To write a memo to the boss, you must first find a good reason for the memo, the veracity of which, if necessary, can be easily proven with the help of documents, third-party testimonies, recordings on audio or video media. Next, you should clarify to whom the report will be addressed, select a specific official authorized to resolve conflict situations and monitor violations in the team. At the same time, it is advisable to make sure that this official does not sympathize for any personal reasons with the boss for whom the report is being prepared. In this case, another official should be chosen, otherwise the effect of the report will be the opposite of what was expected. An important nuance of submitting a memo is the decision on its anonymity or open authorship. The last step is to convey the memo to the addressee and make sure that it has been read.

It is necessary
Report on paper or digital, official, evidence of the charges set forth in the report
Step 1
An anonymous report to the chief without providing evidence of his guilt is often left unattended by higher officials, therefore, in order to correctly submit a report, it is necessary not only to have accurate information about the violation that took place, but also to prepare evidence. Use any documents, both paper and electronic, photographs, video and audio recordings as evidence. Do not use the testimony of colleagues as the main evidence, as under pressure from the boss, people may refuse to testify against him.
Step 2
Analyze the staffing table to determine which of the senior managers will find the report on this boss most interesting. In large organizations, this may not be management, but for example, a shareholder council or a controlling organization. In some cases, to ensure the success of the memo, it is better to select several addressees: the head of the department, the security service of the enterprise, the personnel department and the council of shareholders.
Step 3
Check if the boss and the addressee of the report have close, friendly or intimate relationships, otherwise there is a danger of losing not the boss, but the job.
Step 4
Consider and analyze whether it is beneficial to submit your report anonymously or openly. Anonymity provides one rather controversial advantage: it protects against possible revenge on the part of the boss. But do not forget that it is not so difficult to find the author of the memo. In case of anonymity, the memo may simply not reach the addressee. For example, the secretary will simply throw it away or delete it from the mail as spam.
Step 5
If the memo is filed openly, this will guarantee that it will definitely reach the addressee. When submitting a paper memo, ask the official or his secretary to sign on a copy that the document has been received. When submitting a memo in the form of an e-mail, be sure to put the letter's importance on high, request a read receipt and in the subject line of the letter write that the message carries information that is very important for the functioning of the enterprise.