What Qualities A Health Worker Should Have

What Qualities A Health Worker Should Have
What Qualities A Health Worker Should Have

A person goes to a hospital or clinic when something bothers him. And the main thing in the professional activity of doctors is the strengthening and maintenance of health. The personality of the doctor, namely his moral character and professional training are two main components that ultimately determine the success of the treatment of patients and affect the quality of the entire health care system.

What qualities a health worker should have
What qualities a health worker should have

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), there are 8,652,107 physicians and 16,689,250 nursing and midwifery personnel in the world. Provision for 10 thousand people is 14.2% and 28.1%, respectively.

The moral qualities of a healthcare professional

According to surveys, for patients, the moral qualities of medical personnel play a major role. The professionalism of doctors is taken for granted. Trusting a medical worker, patients expect him to demonstrate the highest moral qualities:

- sensitivity;

- exceptional good faith;

- tact;

- honesty;

- patience and attentiveness;

- the ability to selflessness;

- and most importantly - love for people and their work.

A sense of duty, the humanity of a medical worker is fundamental in medical ethics. Medical ethics is a system of requirements and norms for the moral character and behavior of a doctor and all medical personnel. Morality regulates the attitude of a doctor to a sick and healthy person, to the patient's relatives, to colleagues, to society and the state.

Even Hippocrates believed that a medical officer should be modest and restrained, kind and polite, constantly enrich his knowledge and listen to the opinions of colleagues, see his goal not in gaining fame and money, but in alleviating suffering and healing the sick, in selfless service to people. who turn to him for help and advice.

In the "Code of Medical Ethics", which is studied at a medical school, it is indicated that every doctor must save life, relieve the patient's torment, preserve the natural processes of the body and do everything for the benefit of the patient.

Medical humanism is expressed in an active, natural desire to devote oneself to the sick and, despite difficulties, to use all resources to restore and maintain health, without causing additional damage by actions and words.

Professional qualities of a medical worker

There is no doubt that without objective true knowledge, the activity of a medical worker, even if moral principles are observed, is unprofessional. Medical personnel must be qualified.

Health care professionals must possess such qualities as high skill and professional perseverance, the availability of the necessary practical and theoretical knowledge, competence, observation and discernment, developed clinical thinking and passion.

Starting communication with the patient, the medical professional must focus all his attention on preserving life, alleviating suffering and restoring health, completely subordinating the mind, will, knowledge and experience to the achievement of these goals. One of the main requirements for doctors and nurses is a friendly attitude towards the patient and high professionalism.
