The leader must have not only experience in the area in which he works, but also a certain set of personal qualities. If you want to be a boss, check if your personality matches the perfect boss portrait.

Step 1
Professionalism is the main quality that a boss should possess. He should understand his field better than his subordinates, give advice or suggest who to contact in this or that case. A leader who is poorly oriented in the work of his department cannot inspire respect from the team.
Step 2
To gain credibility with lower-level employees, the boss must be decisive. Confidence, the ability to make decisions in a timely manner sets him apart from his colleagues. An employee who hesitates all the time and changes his mind cannot be a good leader.
Step 3
If you want to be a boss, prepare to take on a lot of responsibilities. A person who cannot take everything upon himself in a difficult situation, answer for his employees, is not worthy of pretending to be a boss. The boss is responsible not only for working moments, but also for discipline in the team, as well as for observance of labor rules in the workplace.
Step 4
Wisdom is what a good boss can do. In order not to be called a tyrant, his decisions must be logical. The leader is expected to display foresight, intelligence and ingenuity. Rich professional and life experience will not be superfluous either.
Step 5
A good leader certainly needs to be sociable. He is responsible for the atmosphere in the team. If the boss cannot find an approach to each employee, then there will be no order and coherence in the workplace. In addition, the boss often has to bring up some work issues for discussion outside the department. Their coordination with higher management or related departments requires the ability to convince, establish contact, and argue their own point of view.
Step 6
The ideal boss must be objective. Its fairness is manifested in the fact that the contribution of each employee to the common cause is noticeable and appreciated. In addition, this quality helps to resolve conflicts and disagreements in the team.
Step 7
A real leader knows how to insist on his own and show firmness. Otherwise, subordinates will twist ropes out of him. Sometimes the boss has to force his employees to do what they don't want to do. The boss who cannot do this will perform other people's duties himself.
Step 8
The boss must be hardworking and energetic. It is he who must set an example for the team and infect colleagues with his own drive. When a boss is sluggish and lacking in initiative, so will his employees.