Business correspondence has features that distinguish it from private messages. The official style of communication, addressing by name and patronymic, adherence to the rules of spelling and punctuation are the basis of a correct business letter.

Step 1
It is better to start the letter with the words "Dear (s) …". If you need to contact a person who is higher in rank, be sure to do it by name and patronymic. Communicating easily in life, you need to maintain an official tone in business correspondence. If suddenly the letters get to the CEO, he will be unpleasantly surprised to see a greeting like "Hey, bro."
Step 2
When addressing one person, write with a capital letter: you, you, yours, you, etc. Multiple references are always lowercase.
Step 3
The tone of the letter should be serious and discreet. Do not go deep into a detailed description of workflows, write to the point. Do not take away precious time from the interlocutor by retelling the details he does not need.
Step 4
Use standard fonts and black when writing. Rainbow-colored text is not easy to read. If you want to highlight some phrase, write in front of it "I draw your attention that …".
Step 5
Don't use emoticons. They are only relevant in friendly correspondence. For her, it is better to leave a humorous tone and slang expressions ("soap" - e-mail, "programmer" - a programmer, etc.)
Step 6
Start your letter by stating the essence of the problem. Only then ask all your questions.
Step 7
Try to fit in 1/3 A4 sheet in twelfth font. Bulky letters are hard to read. They are often not read to the end, or whole paragraphs are skipped. If you need to write about a lot, break the information into several messages.
Step 8
Best ending for a business letter "Best regards, first and last name." If communicating by e-mail, be sure to draw up a signature that will accompany all letters. There should be:
- surname, name, if necessary - patronymic;
- position;
- Company name;
- the address;
- telephone;
- additional information - slogan, wish, etc., if it is provided by the corporate style.
Step 9
Check punctuation and spelling. If you are not sure about the commas, construct the sentence differently or split it into two. It is better to replace a suspicious word with a synonym.