Dismissal from work on the initiative of an employee is, in fact, a termination of an employment contract, which a working citizen of the Russian Federation, if necessary, has the right to terminate at any time convenient for him in accordance with Article 80 of the Labor Code. To do this, he needs to write a statement addressed to the head. Such a document is not regulated by any normative acts, therefore it can be drawn up in free form. And yet it should contain several mandatory clauses.

It is necessary
- A4 sheet of paper
- A pen
Step 1
Think over the text of the statement based on the current situation. For example, you want to quit your job while on vacation or after using your statutory vacation. The same applies to the time of incapacity for work and the impossibility of fulfilling official duties due to illness. All this is important for calculating the time when, as a result of your will, the employment contract will be terminated. If you write a statement of your own free will, without specifying additional conditions, then, from the time you notify the administration, you will be dismissed two weeks after signing the statement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
Take a standard A4 sheet of paper and start filling out the application by indicating the initial details in the format "to" and "from whom". The application is always written in the name of the head of the enterprise, so you should first indicate the position of the addressee to the "Director", the name of the organization, the last name and initials of the head. Here, specify the structural unit of the enterprise in which you work, your position, last name, first name and patronymic. In the center of the sheet, write the name of the document "Application". The text of the appeal must be kept in a business style, for this write first "Please fire me." Next, indicate from what position, on what conditions (of your own free will) and from what date you want to quit. In this case, you have the right to count on the administration to meet you halfway, and you will be able to quit before the statutory deadline (fourteen days), which must pass from the moment the management is notified of your desire to terminate the contract.
Date the document and sign it.