To become a special agent, you need to be of interest to this service and have a number of qualities - endurance, an outstanding mind, health and abilities, as well as be ready to die for your ideas.

Chases, shootings, secret appearances and passwords … All this sounds tempting for those who dream of becoming a secret service agent. What is needed for this?
How does this happen
I must say that secret agents are usually recruited. If a person has an irresistible desire to become a special agent, he can contact the nearest police or FSB department and express his intentions. It's hard to say what will happen next. If a person interests them according to some criteria, he can be accepted into the agent staff. The recruitment, which the intelligence services of all countries are engaged in, is structured the same everywhere. A number of activities are being developed that help to identify a motive that can influence the person of interest.
Here are the basic ideas for recruiting agents:
Ideological and political. This is the strongest link between the agent and the intelligence agency. The person who took this step may be driven by disappointment in the policy of the incumbent president, infringement of rights, and more. Such agents are always ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of an idea.
Compromising. Here, too, everything is clear. They are looking for incriminating evidence against the person of interest to the special services, which in the future will act as a guarantee of a long and fruitful service.
Material. Money is the best incentive. The more the agent is of interest to the intelligence services, the more he gets paid. Wanting to curtail cooperation, the agent ceases to be paid altogether.
Moral and psychological, based on a sense of greed, vanity, revenge and others. However, this is not a very good foundation for creating strong agents. Ideally, this is when such an idea is supported by one or more of the above ideas.
Qualities possessed by special agents
Many are eager to become an agent of the special services, but in reality they do not know how and do not want to. But superpowers are needed here. For example, you need to be very good at speaking several languages of the world. And not just speak, but speak in such a way that native speakers perceive the agent as their own. Communication skills, the art of winning over the interlocutor and the ability to master body language well, that is, not only with voice, but also with facial expressions, posture and gestures, to express their desires to him are highly valued.
A person should be well versed in technology, be able to work with listening devices, know an "5+" electrician, be able to "walk through walls" and crack the most complex passwords. A good special agent is a lone wolf with no family, children or friends. This is a person accustomed to "walking on the razor's edge", for whom a simple quiet life is tantamount to death. A cold mind, subtle calculation, superhuman strength and good health - these are the qualities of an ideal special agent, ready at any moment to "look into the eyes of death."