A situation often arises when the patient remains dissatisfied with the quality of care by the medical staff. As a rule, people are afraid to defend their rights or simply do not know where to start. It is necessary to write a complaint to health care in the event that human rights are violated and he is not provided with the assistance guaranteed by law.

It is necessary
- A4 sheets of paper
- a pen
- the Internet
- the envelope
Step 1
A health complaint can be written to any health care professional. This can be done online, in person or by mail. In any case, a complaint is made in writing. It is important to draw up a complaint, it must contain specific facts, indications of unfair actions.
Step 2
If it is difficult to formulate a complaint, you just need to highlight the range of all questions and claims and create a separate complaint for each of them. First, indicate your personal data, if possible, a phone number and always a postal address. Describe the essence of your complaint against a specific doctor or other healthcare professional in a consistent manner. If for some reason you do not know his name, you can simply write the number of the office or the institution in which the rights are violated. It is enough to indicate the department of the hospital or the specialization of the physician.
Step 3
State the essence of the problem in a concise form, only concrete facts and do not allow emotions, obscene expressions and familiarity in the complaint. You can be guided by the provisions of the law and indicate in the complaint under which article your rights are violated. Avoid vague wording, try to state only the facts and describe what, in your opinion, illegal actions of doctors in a given situation.
Step 4
At the end of the complaint, ask healthcare professionals to understand the above and help restore the right to receive adequate medical services. You can ask to influence the doctor disciplinary or administrative. In any case, this is your right. A healthcare professional may contact you personally to clarify the information contained in the complaint. They will definitely check the accuracy of the facts stated, after which you will receive a written response with the result.
Step 5
If you are submitting a complaint by mail, please do so by certified mail with notice. If you take it personally, ask the secretary to make a mark on the second copy of the receipt. Remember that it is better to write a complaint in several copies. Try to get written confirmation of its delivery to the addressee everywhere. It is difficult to do this on the Internet, however, you can write through the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.