A social passport means a set of characteristics of the social well-being of a family, class, one or another organization, collective, region, and even a country. But the most widespread social passport is in the educational system.

It is necessary
- - questionnaires;
- - survey of children and parents;
- - data systematization.
Step 1
When drawing up a class passport, divide it into four main sections: families in which children grow up without a father, large families, dysfunctional families, children who are under control.
Step 2
In addition to defining safe and dysfunctional families, do not forget about the personality characteristics of the child himself. To do this, conduct questionnaires in the class from time to time. It is advisable to do this in an already formed team, where established connections have already arisen and there are no newcomers. Draw general conclusions not only on the basis of the students' answers, but also on your own observations.
There are many questionnaires and tests that allow you to reveal a person's personal data and draw up his social passport. On the teenager's personal card, write his interests, academic success, activity, responsibility, initiative, sociability, self-confidence, decisiveness, position in the team, manifestation of aggression, attitude to alcohol, nicotine. Pay attention to the culture of speech: whether he uses foul language in public or refrains from obscene language.
Step 3
In the social passport of the group (class, team), indicate the number of people, their age, the most preferred joint activities, favorite topics of conversation, used slang words, nicknames, leaders and outsiders, conflicts in the group and their reasons, hobbies, etc.
Step 4
Please note that parents or students have the right not to answer a number of questions that, in their opinion, are confidential and highly personal. This may be the state of health of the child, the place of work of the parents, etc. The collection of information according to the Federal Law "On Personal Data" must be voluntary, that is, you have no right to force the child or his parents to fill out certain questionnaires without their voluntary consent.