It may be necessary to replace the passport in various situations: when its validity period has expired, when the surname is changed, when the passport is lost or damaged, if it runs out of pages for affixing marks at the customs. In all these cases, you need to obtain a new passport, for which you will need to collect a list of documents.

Step 1
To change your passport, you will need the following documents: a photocopy of the passport of the Russian Federation. It confirms your citizenship, identity and the right to obtain a passport. A copy must be made from each completed passport page. It is also necessary to have the original Russian passport with you for presentation, but you will give a copy when submitting documents. If you do not have the original passport in your hands, notarize the copy before submitting the documents.
Step 2
Application form in 2 copies. You can download it on the official website of the Federal Migration Service in the section "Registration of a passport". To issue an old-style passport, you can fill out the questionnaire by hand, with a black pen and without corrections and errors. But for a biometric passport, such a questionnaire needs to be drawn up only on a computer in capital letters. Verify the questionnaires for the last place of work or study. If you are not currently working or studying, the application form is not certified.
Step 3
A copy of the work book, certified at the last place of work. This can be done in the HR department, if this is not the case, then with the accountant. If you are not working at the moment, make a copy of the labor document, but do not certify it, but present the original with it. The original work book will be returned to you immediately when you make sure that the copy is correct. If you have never worked for labor, then you do not submit anything. Pensioners present a pension certificate, individual entrepreneurs - a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur.
Step 4
It is necessary to take 4 photos of 3, 5 by 4, 5 cm format, made on matte paper for registration of an old-style passport, or 2 photos of the same format to obtain a document of a new type. Photos can be either color or black and white, as you wish. Photos for a passport of a new sample must be taken at the place of registration of the document.
Step 5
Receipt for payment of state duty. At the moment, the state duty for obtaining an old-style passport for 5 years is 1000 rubles, and a new one with biometric data, issued for 10 years, is 2500 rubles.
Step 6
A copy of the first page of the old passport. And the passport itself to confirm the authenticity of the copy. And in case of its loss - a certificate from the police.
Step 7
For a man under 27 years old, a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office in form 32 is needed, stating that he is registered, has served or is unfit for service.