How often we in quarrels with spouses threaten with the words: "I am filing for divorce." And if you do not scare your beloved spouse or spouse with verbal threats? What is the next step if it is not possible to reach an agreement peacefully? You can submit an application for divorce, here the second half should seriously think about it. But what if the application has already been submitted and the trial has taken place? And if you have already received a court decision on divorce? What to do if divorce was not your goal or during the trial you managed to make up and simply did not pay attention to the notifications sent to you, or maybe at that time you were preparing a surprise for your beloved and could not even think that she, who had lived with you for so many years will not withdraw his application from the court.

It happens when family life does not work out and the spouses think that it is better for them to dissolve their failed marriage and voluntarily submit an application for divorce. But most often the initiator of the divorce is one of the spouses, and the other either tries to reconcile with his soul mate, persuading her to take the court's statement, or lets everything go by itself and stubbornly ignores all attempts by the court to notify him of the upcoming divorce proceedings, believing that without his consent divorce is not possible. Fortunately or unfortunately, one of the spouses can get a divorce in absentia. If one of the spouses did not come to the meeting three times, without explaining the reasons for his absence, the court may make an absentee decision to dissolve the marriage. In any case, the spouse can challenge this court decision within the time limits established by law. According to Art. 237 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the defendant has the right to file an application for cancellation of the court decision within 7 days from the date of delivery of a copy of this decision to him. If you were duly notified by the court, then you should not refer to the fact that you did not know about the upcoming divorce proceedings in your application. It is enough to write in your statement that you do not agree with the decision made by the court and believe that there is a possibility of reconciliation and family restoration. If the application was denied, the decision of the magistrate in absentia may be appealed on appeal within 10 days, counting from the date of the court ruling on the refusal to satisfy the application for canceling the decision in absentia. In case of missing the seven-day period, there is also the possibility of filing a cassation appeal within 10 days from the end of the period for filing an application for canceling the decision in absentia, that is, 10 days after the seven-day period. The decision of the magistrate may be appealed against in the appropriate district (city) court. The complaint is filed through the magistrate who made the decision.