An unlawful, in your opinion, court decision can be appealed. The law provides for two cases for such actions: an appeal against a decision on newly discovered circumstances and an appeal in the order of supervision.

- - supervisory complaint;
- - documents confirming the judgment (certified by the courts);
- - the passport;
- - copies of documents for the hearing.
Step 1
To overturn a court decision, write a supervisory complaint. In it indicate: the name of the court to which it is addressed; your full name and address; your procedural position (defendant or plaintiff). In addition, indicate in the document the names of the persons involved in the case, their addresses, the name of the court that has already indicated this case and its decision.
Step 2
An important part of a supervisory complaint is an indication of the mistake made. Therefore, indicate the reason why you consider the actions of the court unauthorized. This can be a material violation of the law, re-examination of the case due to new testimony or evidence, re-examination of the case in the order of supervision, termination of proceedings on the case, etc.
Step 3
Decide which of the cassation rulings of the courts your appeal relates to (for example, to the Supreme Court of the Republic, Regional or Regional Court, Court of Federal Cities, Presidium of the Supreme Court, etc.).
Step 4
To start a hearing on a case, collect copies of documents that prove the identity of all persons involved in the process, and court-certified copies of all court orders in the case. File a complaint with a supervisory authority and wait for a re-hearing of the trial.