The decision of the court is canceled by a higher instance (appeal, cassation, supervisory). A participant in the process has the right to initiate a review of the decision made in the case by filing a complaint. If you disagree with the court decision, you should appeal it before it comes into legal force. Otherwise, it is subject to compulsory execution.

Step 1
Get a copy of your reasoned decision.
Step 2
Write your appeal or cassation complaint to a higher court. Indicate the details of the decision to be appealed, by whom it was made, give your reasons for illegality. The grounds for cancellation will be a violation of substantive or procedural law, incomplete research or an incorrect assessment of the factual circumstances of the case. An unconditional basis for canceling the decision is the lack of notification of the party about the time and place of the hearing.
Step 3
Pay the state duty in the amount of 50% of the duty on non-property claim.
Step 4
Attach copies to the complaint according to the number of participants in the process.
Step 5
Send the person who made the decision to the court. This is necessary in order to send the complaint along with the case file.
Step 6
The complaint will be scheduled for consideration, the date of the meeting will be notified additionally.
Step 7
In case of satisfaction of the complaint, the decision of the first instance court is canceled or changed in part. The ruling of the appellate instance takes effect immediately.