Timely familiarization with the fire safety instructions will help to minimize the consequences of a fire, and compliance with the rules can even prevent a possible tragedy.

General rules
Training personnel should be carefully instructed in fire safety and evacuation of children during a fire. The school leadership is obliged to ensure control over the observance of fire prevention measures, as well as to organize fire-fighting instructions and demonstration of actions during evacuation among students.
The evacuation plan should be reviewed regularly and adjusted for any changes. A sign with a floor plan of evacuation and a fire safety instruction must be posted in a conspicuous place.
Fire alarms and other means of warning should be regularly checked for serviceability. Emergency exit doors should be opened periodically to check for an unobstructed exit. Exits from the premises should be equipped with light signs with the inscription "Exit".
Primary extinguishing media
The school building should be equipped with several fire extinguishing kits, which include a fire extinguisher, sand, and fire blanket. The location of fire extinguishing equipment should be indicated in the evacuation plan.
Funds should be placed in accessible places, but not impede the movement of people. The text of the instructions on the fire extinguisher must be clearly legible.
Fire safety rules at school during mass events and holidays
Crowded school activities should be held on 1 or 2 floors. The quantitative norms for the presence of people in a certain room, as well as the norms for the distances between the aisles, must be taken into account. All aisles between rows and exits from the premises must be free of additional furniture and foreign objects that impede movement.
When installing a holiday tree, you need to make sure that the tree does not interfere with the exit from the room. The tree must be installed taking into account the required distance - at least one meter from the ceiling and walls, and also well fixed and tested for stability in order to prevent the threat of falling.
Garlands and other means for illumination must have certificates of conformity. In the event of an interruption in the operation of the lighting fixtures, it is necessary to immediately disconnect them from the network. It is forbidden to decorate the Christmas tree with cotton wool and candles, as well as to use pyrotechnic devices. All work involving an increase in fire hazard (painting the room, processing with explosive substances) should be carried out in advance.