What Are The Features Of The Design Of A Biometric Passport

What Are The Features Of The Design Of A Biometric Passport
What Are The Features Of The Design Of A Biometric Passport

A foreign passport is required for every citizen of the Russian Federation who is going to travel outside their country. At the same time, at the moment, citizens can get both an ordinary and a biometric passport.

What are the features of the design of a biometric passport
What are the features of the design of a biometric passport

The issuance of a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which is currently being dealt with by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, is clearly regulated by current legislation.

Biometric passport

In particular, the procedure for issuing passports is determined by a special Administrative Regulation approved by order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation No. 320 dated October 15, 2012. The said regulation and other documents, in particular, establish that a citizen of the Russian Federation today can obtain one of the two main types of foreign passports of his choice: an old-style international passport and a new-type international passport.

So, a new type of international passport means a document containing an electronic carrier of information about its owner. Physically, it is a plastic module of the same format as the rest of the pages of the passport, pasted into the document as its last page. At the same time, in fact, he is a carrier on which all information about the owner of the passport, which is contained in this document, as well as some additional information is recorded in a machine-readable form. For example, fingerprints of the holder of a foreign passport can be recorded on this module. Therefore, it is sometimes also called biometric.

Registration of a biometric passport

The procedure for issuing a biometric passport has a number of features. So, with the first of them, a person who wants to get a new passport will come across already at the stage of filing documents. So, if for the registration of an ordinary passport it is necessary to include photographs of the required format in the package of necessary documents, then when issuing a new passport, a significant number of territorial branches of the FMS today independently take a photograph of the applicant on the spot. Moreover, this service is included in the cost of the state fee for the issuance of a biometric passport.

By the way, the size of the state duty is the second feature of the issuance of a new type of passport: for example, if a fee of 1,000 rubles must be paid for obtaining an ordinary document, then the payment for issuing a document with an electronic medium will already be 2,500 rubles.

However, it must be borne in mind that this amount of state duty has its own justification. The fact is that a new-type foreign passport has a longer validity period compared to an ordinary document: it is 10 years versus 5 for an ordinary document. Thus, during this entire period, the passport remains valid, and the citizen can travel abroad with it. At the same time, taking into account the longer period of validity, the biometric passport has a larger number of pages than the standard number of pages intended for setting border crossing marks.
