In the course of their work, heads of companies are forced to draw up many different documents, the correctness of which is very important. For example, primary documents. They are drawn up to support certain deductible expenses.

Step 1
Prepare primary documents, referring only to reliable and verified data. Be guided by such regulations as the Civil Code, various instructions, regulations.
Step 2
Before developing the primary document on your own, pay attention and ask if the unified form is approved by law. You can get this information from any tax office.
Step 3
Leave the drafting of the document to the person in charge of this work. For example, the driver cannot draw up a report on the completed construction work, and the estimator cannot draw up transport documents. Usually, the accounting department or the head of the organization himself is engaged in the preparation of primary documentation.
Step 4
In the event that the unified form of the primary document is not approved, issue it yourself. For example, an accounting statement. Write down the procedure for drawing up documents in the accounting policy.
Step 5
When drawing up the document, be sure to write the name of the form, indicate the details of the organization, put down the date of preparation and the serial number. In the main text, describe the business transaction; specify units of measurement, if necessary. Below list the persons responsible for the implementation of the business transaction; indicate their positions, full name; give the document to them for signature.
Step 6
In the event that you are using any unified form, fill in all the fields. Place a dash in the empty cells.
Step 7
If required by the document, put the seal of the organization. Make changes only after all participants in the business transaction are familiar with inaccurate data, and their consent must be signed. Blots in documents are not allowed.