Each cashier should be able to fill out the journal of the cashier-operator. This document is drawn up daily in ballpoint pen or ink. The main requirement when filling out the journal is the absence of blots. In case of an error, there is a standard rule: the correction is made, the error is carefully crossed out and certified by the signatures of the manager, the chief accountant and the cashier himself. The journal columns are filled in according to a specific plan.

Step 1
The date is indicated in column 1. In column 2, the section number, provided that there is a breakdown by department at the cash desk. In column 3, the cashier writes his last name and initials. Column 4 contains information about the control meter number. The cashier takes this number from the Z-report. In column 5, you must indicate the number of sales that went through the control counter per shift.
Step 2
In column 6, the cashier must indicate the amount of all cash counters that passed through the cash register from the moment of registration to the beginning of the reporting day. This amount is taken from the Z-report for the previous shift. The cashier puts his signature in columns 7 and 8. Column 9 is filled in according to the Z-report, the amount entered here differs from the amount in column 6 by the amount of revenue for the reporting shift.
Step 3
In column 10, the amount of revenue per day is entered. Column 11 reflects daily cash receipts less returns made to customers. Columns 12 and 13 indicate the proceeds paid by other means (checks, plastic cards, certificates, etc.). It also displays the amount of these payment documents. The absence of such payments during the shift is made out with dashes in the corresponding columns.
Step 4
In column 14, the cashier must enter the total revenue, including cash and non-cash payments. This column contains the sum of columns 11 and 13. If refunds were made during the reporting shift, the amount of payments is indicated in column 15. Here the cashier writes down the amount for the checks that were mistakenly punched into the shift.
Step 5
Columns 16, 17 and 18 are filled in by the cashier, senior cashier and manager, here they put their signatures. By this, the responsible persons indicate that the data on the shift has been recorded correctly.