At each enterprise where financial transactions are carried out, the cashier-operator must fill out report No. KM-6 on a daily basis. Its form was approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 132 of 25.12.98. The chief accountant of the organization should hand over the completed document at the end of the shift to the cashier.

- - the form of the certificate of the cashier-operator;
- - cash register;
- - cash;
- - documents of the organization.
Step 1
In the unified form, you should write the abbreviated name of the company in accordance with the charter or other constituent document or personal data of an individual, according to a driver's license, military ID, passport, if the company's OPF is an individual entrepreneur. Indicate the name of the structural unit of the enterprise in accordance with the current staffing table in the organization. Write the company code for OKPO and the code for the type of activity for OKDP.
Step 2
Enter the model of the cash register, its number, series, brand in accordance with the instructions attached to it. Provide the manufacturer and registration number of the cash register used at your facility.
Step 3
Write your surname and initials, shift (day, evening, night), for which you fill out the report of the cashier-operator. In the field of the document number, enter the number of the Z-report that you took at the end of the working day. In the column containing the date of preparation of the document, indicate the date corresponding to the date of the Z-report. In the field of working hours, you should write the duration of the shift, for example, 8.00-17.00.
Step 4
In the column of the serial number of the control counter, write the number of the Z-report taken at the end of the working day. Department and section numbers are constant values. They correspond to the department and section numbers indicated in the Z-report. In the fields of the cash meter readings at the beginning and end of the shift, you must indicate the cumulative totals of the fiscal memory of your cash register.
Step 5
Enter the total amount of funds received by the organization's cashier from clients. If refunds were made, please indicate the amount. Write your surname and initials, sign in the signature field.
Step 6
Enter the total amount of proceeds in capital letters in words. This includes the total minus customer refunds.
Step 7
Submit the report to the senior cashier or chief accountant of the organization. One of them has to print a receipt to the cashier of the company. Enter its number and date in the appropriate field. As a rule, the company's proceeds are deposited with the bank. His details are indicated in the required column.
Step 8
The statement-report of the cashier-operator must be signed by the cashier, chief accountant or senior cashier, as well as the director of the enterprise. All signatures must be on the back of the reference report.