Keeping a journal on labor protection is mandatory for all enterprises and organizations. It records all the on-the-job briefings that are carried out for the employees of the enterprise.

Step 1
Conducting briefings at the workplace is aimed at preventing injuries and accidents at work. There are four types of coaching: initial, re-entry, targeted, and unscheduled.
Step 2
Initial briefing is given to an employee newly hired by the company. Once every six months for all workers and once every three months for those who maintain equipment with increased danger, a scheduled briefing is issued. In the event that employees have to perform a new type of production work, targeted briefing is carried out. If an emergency occurs at the enterprise or there have been changes in the safety instructions, an unscheduled briefing is drawn up.
Step 3
The journal on labor protection in the workplace is filled in by the work manager or the head of the structural unit of the organization. Control over the timely registration of the magazine is assigned to the employees of the labor protection department of the enterprise.
Step 4
Before filling out the OSH journal, you should number, lace and seal it with the organization's seal. Then write the name of the enterprise and structural unit on the cover of the magazine. Enter the date you start logging.
Step 5
Fill in the following pages of the magazine completely. In the "Date" column, indicate the date of the briefing in full format. Write down the surname, name and patronymic of the instructed person without any abbreviations and initials, and in the next two columns indicate only the year of birth of the employee and his position. In the column "Type of instruction" write the one that you conduct according to the situation. The column "Reason for the briefing" is filled in only in the case of an unscheduled briefing with the obligatory indication of the administrative document of the enterprise.
Step 6
After the employees have been instructed, they must sign in the "Instructor's signature" column, and the work manager signs in the instructor's signature column opposite the name of each of the employees to whom he instructed.
Step 7
For newly admitted to the organization and successfully completed an internship, it is imperative to fill in the column "Internship at the workplace" in the journal. After briefing and filling out the labor protection journal, it must be deposited with the head of the structural unit of the enterprise.