Tempting vacancies with good career opportunities and high wages in the job market do not appear very often. And if you are lucky to meet one like this, it is important not to miss the moment and show your best side. To do this, you need to know what the employer pays attention to when recruiting personnel.

Step 1
Education is one of the most important indicators that an employer pays attention to. A university graduate is an adequate person with a broad outlook, flexible, capable of learning. And more often than not, he has a great chance of getting a job, especially in the fields of economics, marketing, taxation, nanotechnology, etc. However, higher education is not always required, moreover, if a graduate of a prestigious university applies for the position of a sales manager in a store, this will raise certain questions. The presence of a diploma can also be a secondary factor when applying for creative positions (designer, decorator, organizer of holidays) - for such professions, creativity and creative thinking are more important. In addition to basic education, it is necessary to indicate additional education in the resume, for example - refresher courses, language courses, internships.
Step 2
Work experience is usually assessed based on the last job the applicant worked. If the last job is a large company, this fact speaks in favor of the applicant. If the name of the organization is not so well known, the resume should include information that is important for your new job. For example, if you were a HR manager and are applying for the position of HR manager, indicate the headcount of your previous job. Be sure to describe the scope of your job responsibilities, because in different companies, the same positions may imply different functions. Employers treat poorly those job seekers who often change jobs. Be sure to explain the reasons for your "volatility", preferably - weighty (closing the company, moving to another city).
Step 3
Career achievements and significant educational achievements are very important for applicants for many positions. If your merits include increasing the company's sales, expanding production, obtaining a doctoral degree, etc. - be sure to include them in your resume, this will be a significant fact in your favor when hiring.
Step 4
During the interview, the employer necessarily assesses the personal qualities and skills of self-presentation of the candidate for the position. Most likely, the employer will ask you to introduce yourself. Clearly and convincingly, without unnecessary information, tell us about how you are being realized in your profession, how you see yourself in the position for which you are applying. A well-thought-out appearance and non-verbal communication can also help make a positive impression. Therefore, dress for the interview in the style that is accepted in the company in which you want to work, during the interview, avoid gestures of nervousness and closeness - fidgeting in a chair, excessive gesticulation, crossed arms and legs.