Finding a good job is a very responsible business, on which your future life directly depends. Therefore, it makes sense to entrust the task of finding a job to a professional. But how not to be mistaken in choosing a good recruiting agency?

Step 1
There are two types of recruiting agencies: recruiting and recruiting. The difference between them is significant. Recruiting agencies are free for professionals looking for work, but are paid from the client firm's budget. Therefore, they are only liable to the firm that hired them to fulfill the order to close the vacancy. That is, if you are a specialist who applied to a recruiting agency to find a job, they do not bear any obligations to you, and a job suitable for you will be found only if a company that needs you as a specialist applies for their services.
Step 2
If you want to find a good job in a short time, be prepared to pay for the services of the employment agency yourself. This is their main difference from recruiting agencies - payment is made not by the company that hires staff, but by the person looking for a job. Accordingly, if you apply to such a company for employment services, an agreement is concluded with you, and for a certain fee they are looking for suitable vacancies for you, prepare you for an interview, conduct possible trainings. Therefore, before contacting a recruiting agency, clarify what type it belongs to and how quickly you can expect to find a suitable job.
Step 3
When you have already found several suitable employment agencies, you only have to choose the best between them. To do this, read the reviews about these firms on the Internet. Go to their office, talk to the employees, this should immediately help you understand whether there is really a serious company in front of you. Be sure to clarify how long the recruitment agency has existed - the longer it works, the more experience the employees have, the more database they have. Ask about the job guarantees that the recruiting agency gives you, how many vacancies they are ready to provide you in the near future. By the time of work, by the level of training and politeness of the employees, you can easily understand whether it is worth contacting this recruiting agency or is it better to look for another, more suitable one.