Interpretation during negotiations, which is also called whispering, can be attributed to one of the most difficult types in this area. Ordinary simultaneous interpreters work in special booths, have headphones and a microphone, which greatly facilitates the work. During negotiations, the situation becomes more complicated: the specialist needs to hear everyone, at the same time translate quietly but clearly, be able to concentrate regardless of the situation.

- - television;
- - notebook.
Step 1
Improve your knowledge of a foreign language. Expand your vocabulary in order to be able to find synonyms for the necessary words in time. Learn idioms and phraseological units so as not to waste precious moments looking for a match. If you already know the industry in which you will work, thoroughly study all the subtleties and terminology, and in both languages. During negotiations, you will not have a second to choose the right word, or to understand the essence of the matter. If you have the opportunity to clarify something in a regular two-way translation, whispering does not imply such a luxury. Try to talk in advance with the negotiators and find out what will be discussed. Understanding the subject will make your job much easier.
Step 2
Do special exercises at home regularly. For example, turn on the news and start translating everything that is said there with a delay of a few seconds. If this is too difficult for you, first simply repeat the text in your native language to hone your listening and speaking skills at the same time. If you start to get it right, start translating. For speech control, record yourself on a voice recorder so that you can later check if you said everything correctly. As a rule, the rate of speech of the announcers is very fast, and this will help you learn to concentrate, speak without pauses, and predict the end of the phrase. Listening and speaking at the same time is a fairly serious skill that is acquired only through constant practice.
Step 3
Work on diction and learn to control the timbre of your voice. At its core, whispering is not a whisper per se. Rather, it is perfectly muted speech. You should make it so loud that during negotiations your voice is perfectly heard by the person for whom you are translating, but at the same time it does not interfere with the rest of the participants in the conversation. Perform various exercises for articulation, do breathing exercises, pronounce tongue twisters daily. Learn to speak softly, but as clearly and clearly as possible.