Negotiation is an important part of the workflow. Meetings with business partners, clients, suppliers, customers - all this requires some preparation.

Step 1
Clothing plays an important role in business. If you want to make the right first impression in a negotiation, wear a business suit. Don't forget about accessories - a watch, a tie, cufflinks, a good pen. Check if the shoes are in order and if they fit the outfit. Get an expensive leather briefcase or folder in order to store the documents you need during negotiations.
Step 2
Prepare everything you need for negotiations - a contract in several copies, price lists, catalogs, etc. If you have a presentation in electronic form, save it on a laptop or tablet and take it with you. The clearer the subject of discussion, the easier it is for you to achieve the desired result.
Step 3
Don't be late for negotiations. Come exactly at the appointed time or a couple of minutes earlier so that you have time to lay out important papers. Greet your interlocutors. If the meeting takes place in your office, offer everyone tea or coffee.
Step 4
Tell the audience why you met today. Submit the subject for discussion. Listen to the questions, answer them. Try to have a constructive dialogue, not a monologue. Be calm and confident. You are doing a common cause, and the meeting is necessary and beneficial to both parties.
Step 5
Do not drag out negotiations, try to keep within an hour. Studies show that after 45 minutes of fruitful communication, attention is dulled, a person is distracted from the topic of conversation, begins to think about something else. Therefore, spend the first 15 minutes introducing the subject of negotiations, the next half hour discussing the terms of cooperation and approving the agreements, and the last 15 minutes on minor amendments that are not so significant.
Step 6
At the end of the negotiations, thank everyone for their attention, express hope for further fruitful cooperation, say goodbye.