In business, negotiations play a significant role. It is on them that the further ways of development of companies, the nature of relationships with partners and competitors are decided. A good start to negotiations provides an excellent start for a favorable conclusion.

It is necessary
information about the interlocutor
Step 1
Familiarize yourself with the parties present in advance. Before starting negotiations, find out who exactly you will be dealing with. Remember that the better you know your opponent's characteristics, the easier it will be for you to control the situation. If you are familiar with your future interlocutor, then try to remember what aspects of the conversation may annoy or please him. In the event that the interlocutor is not familiar to you, ask people who have already dealt with him, they will be able to tell you what tactics of behavior is better to choose.
Step 2
Don't be late. Negotiations that start late are unlikely to lead to anything good. Your opponent will be unfriendly, even if his intentions were not originally. If you are still late, try to identify the positive aspects of this and tell the other person about them. For example, if negotiations are taking place in your office, say that your lateness allowed the other person to better adapt to the environment.
Step 3
You should start your speech with a clear statement of the requirements for the interlocutor. However, there should be no aggression in your words. Specifically state all your wishes and plans. Listen carefully to the interlocutor, try to determine how you can come to a compromise.
Step 4
Build a collaborative conversation. Your interlocutor must understand that your goal is not to dictate your own terms, but to find an agreement that is convenient for everyone. Be friendly and accept incoming information appropriately.
Step 5
Don't forget your sense of humor. Negotiations started with a joke will create a pleasant atmosphere and set the audience on the right wave. But this does not mean that you have to constantly tell jokes. Humor should be subtle and smart, otherwise the opponent may doubt the seriousness of your intentions.