Negotiation is a very important criterion for building a career and personal happiness. It is worth knowing just a few rules that will allow you to do this as efficiently as possible.

Listening skills
Listening is a very important quality. While the other person is talking, do not try to come up with your own answer, but pay your full attention to listening to him. Also observe his facial expressions and gestures to better understand his message.
Emotional intellect
Emotional intelligence - the ability to recognize emotions (your own and the interlocutor's), adequately respond to them. A high level of emotional intelligence allows you to control yourself, which is very important for successful negotiations.
Mutual benefit
One-sided play is a bad approach for long-term collaboration. Try to find a solution so that both sides remain in the black.
Be curious about the subject of the negotiation, in particular the position of the person you are talking to. Ask clarifying questions that will help you get more information you need.
Your speech should be clear and understandable. Work on getting rid of parasite words, learn and speak tongue twisters.
An effectively inserted pause will show your mood and also have a stunning effect. Watch the political speeches to see how it works.
Prepare for negotiations in advance by finding out every insignificant detail. This will help you not get screwed up and be fully prepared.
Don't be intimidated
Pressure from the interlocutor is a signal that you shouldn't deal with him. However, if it is impossible to avoid cooperation, remember that people often hide their fear behind pressure, and if you are confident in your position, defend it flexibly but firmly.