A manager with experience in conducting successful business negotiations will be a valuable employee for the company. This is due to the fact that each of the negotiating parties pursues its own specific goals and benefits. Achieving a compromise on mutually beneficial terms, but at the same time avoiding conflict is not an easy task, since business negotiations have many features and are fraught with some "pitfalls".

The actual negotiation process is preceded by a stage of painstaking preparation. Here you should carefully study the information related to the topic of negotiations, this will give self-confidence, allow you to better understand the interlocutor and argue your positions with reason. After all, it is not for nothing that the popular wisdom says "knowledgeable, then armed."
The correct start of the negotiation process determines its final result. It is at this stage that the partner forms an impression of the company, of the people with whom it is planned to cooperate. It is important to summarize the essence of the issue in a concise form, familiarize the interlocutor with your requirements and offer solutions.
At the stage of concluding a deal, the manager will need to be able to trade, that is, you may have to sacrifice, yield or, on the contrary, insist on your terms in order to reach an agreement. The desire of both parties to find a compromise in negotiations is the main guarantee of success.
When carrying out the negotiation process, you should adhere to a number of rules:
- Sure. Uncertainty in one's own abilities can easily betray oneself by slurred speech, excessive gesticulation. Having understood this, the opponent will gain a significant advantage in negotiations and will insist on his own interests.
- Be persistent. This quality is the golden line between active and passive negotiation. Persistence aims to achieve its goal, but taking into account the interests of the opposite side.
Strive to find rapport with your partner. The desire for future cooperation depends on the mutual understanding of the parties, which, in fact, occurs at an unconscious level. To "build bridges", you need to be able to listen to the interlocutor, try to understand, and make a positive impression.
In no case should you resort to such techniques as bluff or threat. Bluff is a kind of deception, when promises are made to a partner, which, obviously, will not be fulfilled. The threat can manifest itself in the form of a hint, blackmail, scandal. Such negotiations will not bring a positive result and can seriously damage the company's reputation.