It may seem to some that work is not a place for self-realization. The main thing is to perform your job duties with high quality and receive decent wages for this. However, a person spends almost a third of his life at work, and if you consider that he spends another third on sleep, then you will inevitably have to think how rational it is to devote so much time and energy to what you are not interested in. Doing what you love is a great happiness, and no self-realization at work is possible without observing this condition.

Step 1
Skip this step if you've already found your dream job. Unfortunately, people sometimes choose their profession out of a spirit of contradiction, considerations of purely material gain, or in order to meet the expectations of their relatives. If you are one of the millions of people, each of whom is impatiently glancing at the clock in anticipation of the end of the working day, then think about it, because life is one, and perhaps it is time to change something to improve its quality. Listen to yourself - what would you like to do? What did you dream about as a child? What do you tend to do?
You may have been doing some kind of fitness for several years - why not get certified as an instructor and teach classes? Maybe you know everything about make-up and love trying on different looks, changing your makeup options - why not get a make-up diploma? A born party-goer, joker and ringleader can find himself as a host of various festive events. Be that as it may, the easiest way to realize yourself is precisely by doing what you would be willing to do even if you were not paid money for it.
Step 2
Take action. Now you know what kind of work you really like, and you can take the first steps in it to eventually become a true master of your craft. You should not be intimidated by the thought that you might have to start from the bottom: history knows many examples of how a former top manager quit his job and entered training, for example, to a potter. No one has the right to prohibit you from choosing the path that will make you happy.
Step 3
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. People are imperfect, and none of them was born with the knowledge initially embedded in their heads about how to act in a particular life or work situation. Every person makes mistakes from time to time, and the difference between a successful person and a failure lies only in how each of them perceives these lessons of fate. The first will draw conclusions from his failure and will not allow its repetition in the future, while the second will consider that he was not created to follow such a difficult life path and will try to find something less energy-consuming and responsible for himself.
Step 4
By the way, about responsibility - do not be afraid to take it upon yourself, and even more so do not try to shift it onto someone's shoulders. The ability to be responsible for their decisions and for the work of subordinates - if any - is one of those qualities that can be inherent only in a self-confident person. If you really yearn to realize yourself at work, then you cannot do without faith in your strength and ability, otherwise at the first difficulty you will give up and stop following your dream. Believe in yourself and trust yourself - only in this case you will be able not only to achieve success yourself, but also to lead people.