Relationships with colleagues and management are an important part of the production process and of life in the light of the role that work plays in it. It is known that authority is very difficult to gain and very easy to lose. Therefore, building a comfortable environment around oneself follows from the first second of being in a new work collective.

Step 1
At first, it's better to talk less and watch and listen more. This is not only about work. And since we are talking about her, then you should not forget about your official duties.
Do not rush to get close to someone, especially not to join one or another unofficial community. This is not an indicator of infusion into the team, moreover, it is this process that can be complicated just by imprudence.
At the same time, you don't need to be a beech. Goodwill, politeness, adherence to business etiquette, some informality of communication strictly within reasonable limits and, where appropriate, will undoubtedly benefit your image.
Step 2
Those who curry favor with their superiors (and the management do not respect such people) cannot count on the good attitude of their colleagues, demonstrates disdain for subordinates, and strives to belittle colleagues with whom they are in an equal position.
It is preferable to have an equal respect for everyone, regardless of the position held - from the cleaning lady to the general director, which does not abolish the subordination and labor discipline.
Step 3
The attitude of colleagues towards denunciations is certainly cool. It is not uncommon for the first person to appreciate the lover of this occupation in a bad light, the very boss, to whom the employee will come to talk.
A self-sufficient leader usually does not care what his subordinates say about him and how much time they devote to extraneous matters, if they cope with the tasks assigned to them. Under normal management, there are other performance indicators and ways to control its quality. This, however, does not mean that it is necessary to cover up colleagues whose activities openly harm the company, and, even more so, to allow someone else to shift their blame onto you.
Step 4
Too much helpfulness has also not yet benefited anywhere, ever, or anyone. If it is your responsibility to provide certain services to colleagues or bosses, this is one thing. But in other situations it is better to make it clear that you are ready to help, but, as they say, “not in the service of friendship” and count on reciprocal courtesy if necessary.
There are also situations when, for example, there is a need to transfer the burden, and this is done by all male employees, regardless of position. In such cases, it is ethical to refuse, only if health does not allow (and it is unreasonable not to do this in such a situation).
Step 5
Situations may also arise when they will begin to demand from you actions that, for one reason or another, contradict your moral principles, professional ethics, current legislation, and even corporate attitudes. In this case, you must firmly stand your ground and correctly argue your point of view, appealing to well-known norms and rules.
When you represent something as a professional, which means that the company is interested in you, you should not be afraid of dismissal and other sanctions. Your persistence is more likely to bring additional points in the eyes of colleagues and superiors. For the future, your position will be taken into account and most likely no more unacceptable proposals will be made.
If the alignment is different, it means that you are not the right fit for the company, but it is for you.
Step 6
Well, and most importantly, all the virtues of an employee do not really matter if he does not perform his duties well enough. People are hired so that, pardon the tautology, they work, but the profession of a "good man", as you know, is not.