Even if you do not have to communicate with clients often, self-presentation skills are likely to be required during interviews and in the future at work. Unfortunately, they may not be developed at all even among excellent specialists, which often serves as a reason for refusal to hire.

Step 1
Wherever you work, you will be surrounded by a team. To declare yourself in it, you will need not only to prove that you are doing well in your duties, but also to demonstrate the ability to keep yourself in a team. It is absent in not very self-confident, shy people. If this is your case, the first step to presenting yourself is to overcome insecurity and shyness.
Step 2
If you try to "speed things up" and start playing the role of "your boyfriend" that does not suit you, the situation can only get worse. Try to perceive the new environment not as a source of tension, but as a completely friendly place. Think about what you like about your new job. Try to forge friendships with employees who are most open and kind to you. Having friends makes it easier to be open.
Step 3
Don't take early failures too seriously. Everyone has them, and this is not at all an indicator that you are a bad employee. Try to behave as naturally as possible and keep anxiety under control, because often it is completely unnecessary.
Step 4
If the company has a tradition that a new employee should speak by telling about himself, such a story is best prepared. This will help you worry less and make a good impression. Some may feel that they have nothing to tell about themselves. This is not so: even if you have just graduated from a university and have almost no work experience, you can always talk about where you studied and what you studied, what internships or internships you attended. List additional knowledge, because much can be highly appreciated.
Step 5
Employees will be interested to learn something personal about you, because communication in the office is not limited to work. If you have interesting hobbies (rock climbing, floristry, etc.), do not hesitate to tell about them. But you don't need to go too far, otherwise you will not notice how the story turns into a lecture on the right choice of equipment or the combination of colors.