Your entire future career in the chosen company or organization depends on how you will show yourself at work from the first days. At the same time, it is especially important to understand: the first thing that is required of you is the proper performance of duties and the willingness, at the time that you devote to work, to see your interests, first of all, in the context of the interests of the company.

Step 1
Probably, at every job, along with the daily, not particularly noticeable routine, there are projects or tasks periodically appear that allow what is called "prove yourself": to demonstrate your potential, sufficient to cope with a range of more serious tasks, to take on more responsibility than in your current role, and if you feel that these options are within your reach, try to take them on. But here it is important not to overestimate your own capabilities.
Step 2
On the other hand, if you see that you are not coping already in the process of execution, put this question to the management in time, offer your own solution to the problem, think about what prevented and how to remove this obstacle. Any failure can be turned to your advantage in the long run. If the bosses see that the employee is able to soberly assess the situation, draw the right conclusions, understand what he is missing, and begin work to eliminate the identified shortcomings, this will be counted as a plus.
Step 3
There are different opinions about the manifestation of initiative at work: from the fact that no one needs non-initiative personnel, to the common phrase “initiative is punishable”. Here a lot depends on a particular company and its corporate culture. General tendency: initiative is assessed positively, but not amateur performance. Although in some cases an initiative on the verge of self-activity can be beneficial to the cause, it all depends on the situation and the possible reaction of the authorities. For one and the same act, in one case, you can get, figuratively speaking, an order, in the other - a reprimand. So the outcome depends on how you orient yourself correctly.
Step 4
Ways to prove yourself include criticism of existing shortcomings. In this case, you need to make it clear that you are making constructive criticism, and not doing criticism. It is important to make it clear to the interlocutors that you are criticizing someone or something not in order to blame your own shortcomings on it, but care about improving overall result. This is what your argumentation should be aimed at. Also, don't forget the rule of offering when you criticize, but only speak up when you feel you need to. If you follow these simple rules, your career in the company is likely to go well.