The buyer can return the defective clothing within the warranty period established for the respective item. If such a period is not set, then you can contact the seller with a return within two years from the date of purchase.

Returns of defective products, including clothing, are not uncommon among today's consumers. Items with certain manufacturing deficiencies are quite common, and buyers can choose from several requirements that can be presented to the seller.
So, you can simply return the defective clothing and demand a full refund of the money that was paid for it. In addition, the buyer can return a defective item and demand that it be replaced with the same item or with a different brand item with a recalculation of the price. The consumer can choose a specific requirement at his own discretion. At the same time, the clothing seller cannot influence his decision.
Deadlines for the return of defective clothing
Any defective product, including defective clothing, can be returned to the seller during the warranty period, which is set on the corresponding item. If the specified period is not determined for any reason, then the period for detecting a defect and returning is two years, which are calculated from the moment the item is received by the buyer.
If the purchased defective clothing is seasonal, intended to be worn at a certain time of the year, then the warranty period is calculated from the beginning of the corresponding season.
If the sale was carried out in an online store, and the goods were sent by mail, then the specified period begins from the moment the clothes are received in the postal service or in another way.
What should be done to return defective clothing?
The buyer of defective clothing to return the goods to the seller just needs to apply with a corresponding statement. In this case, the defective item is also returned to the seller, and if possible, sales or cash receipts are attached to the application. The absence of such checks cannot be considered grounds for refusal to satisfy the claim for return.
It is better to initially draw up a statement in writing, get a signature from an authorized representative of the seller, confirming receipt of the corresponding appeal. If the seller refuses to return the money to the buyer or satisfy another stated claim, then the buyer of defective clothing should contact public organizations, Rospotrebnadzor, and, if necessary, draw up a statement of claim to the judicial authorities.