How To Get A License For Pyrotechnics

How To Get A License For Pyrotechnics
How To Get A License For Pyrotechnics

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In the Russian Federation, there is a special procedure for the production, distribution and storage of pyrotechnic products belonging to IV and V hazard classes in accordance with GOST R51271-99. These activities are subject to licensing. All distributors and consumer enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, are required to obtain a license for pyrotechnics of these two classes. Manufacturers issue a license for products of all hazard classes.

How to get a license for pyrotechnics
How to get a license for pyrotechnics


Step 1

The licensing body that regulates the production, trade and consumption of pyrotechnic products is the Federal Agency for Industry. The licensing requirements that must be met by the enterprise before applying for this document are set out in the "Regulations on licensing the production of pyrotechnic products" approved by the Government of the Russian Federation from 26.06.02 (as amended from 03.10.02) No. 467.

Step 2

If you are directly involved in the production of pyrotechnics, then first bring the infrastructure of your production, the organization of technological processes and safety in accordance with the requirements set out in the "Rules for the construction and operation of production for service and civilian weapons." This document was approved by the State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia on 19.12.94 in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Step 3

To obtain a license on the letterhead of your organization, write down an application, indicate the full name of the enterprise, its organizational and legal form, legal address, the type of activity that you intend to carry out (production, distribution, storage of pyrotechnic products). If the licensed activity is planned to be carried out at territorially separate objects, indicate the addresses of these objects in the application.

Step 4

Attach to the application are notarized copies of constituent documents, a copy of the certificate of state registration and registration of your enterprise in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If the license is issued for an individual, attach a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority and the assignment of a TIN to you.

Step 5

Attach information about the qualifications of the company's employees to the package of documents; they must have the appropriate certification. If your organization belongs to the scientific category, you will also need a copy of the certificate of state accreditation under the Law on Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy.
