The company's settlements with foreign partners are subject to strict currency control rules. For each contract, a transaction passport must be drawn up, which is valid until a certain period. If the obligations of the parties have not been completed before this date, the transaction passport must be renewed, that is, reissued.

Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2004 N 117-I "On the procedure for the submission of documents and information by residents and non-residents to authorized banks when carrying out currency transactions, the procedure for accounting by authorized banks of currency transactions and the issuance of transaction passports"
Step 1
To obtain a basis for extending the passport of the transaction, conclude with your foreign partner an additional agreement to the agreement indicating a new period of its validity, as well as, if necessary, make other changes. In addition, send a letter of intent to extend or renew it on other grounds to the bank where the transaction passport is open.
Step 2
Then proceed in accordance with the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 15.06.2004 No. 117-I and prepare the following documents: - 2 copies of the transaction passport, drawn up taking into account the changes made to the contract, i.e. a new validity period, in the original signed by the head of the enterprise and the seal; - an additional agreement to the contract signed by the parties - the original or a copy certified by the signature of the head and the seal; - permission of the bank currency control authorities to carry out currency transactions under the contract through accounts opened in a foreign bank servicing your partner, if such is required by the norms of foreign exchange legislation; - other documents at the request of the servicing bank.
Step 3
To transfer the reissued transaction passport and supporting documents to the bank, observe the deadlines: either the day of the next foreign exchange transaction, or the next date for submitting documents and information to the bank in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on foreign exchange control.
Step 4
After receiving the required package of documents, the bank puts on both copies of the transaction passport a mark on the date you provided the documents for re-issuance, after which it signs the transaction passport. Keep in mind that the number of the transaction passport initially assigned by the bank is retained during its renewal or any other re-issuance until the parties fully fulfill their obligations under the contract and close the transaction passport and dossier on it.