How To Declare A Transaction Void

How To Declare A Transaction Void
How To Declare A Transaction Void

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A transaction that, as a result of its completion, does not give rise to the desired legal consequences for its participants, due to the fact that it does not comply with Russian legislation, is considered null and void.

How to declare a transaction void
How to declare a transaction void


Step 1

Contact a lawyer who is competent in resolving these issues. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount of money on this kind of service, but you should not save on this. The lack of qualified assistance can cost you more. Be sure to try to collect as much evidence as possible that will confirm the facts of violations of the conditions that are stipulated in the contract. Various kinds of documents can act as such evidence - both copies and originals, as well as testimonies of witnesses and recordings of CCTV cameras.

Step 2

Make the correct application that will be required to file a lawsuit. And remember: the outcome of your enterprise depends on the wording that you give in it. If there is a legal error on your part, there is a possibility that you will not only lose, but also receive a counterclaim.

Step 3

In the case of a void transaction, it will be sufficient to provide evidence that it was committed in circumvention of Russian law. And then it is invalidated. Therefore, it is important to study the set of laws that are affected by this agreement. This is due to the fact that in some points there may be significant discrepancies with the legislation.

Step 4

In any case, in order to declare the transaction null and void, you should go to court. The limitation period for such an issue is three years from the date of execution of this transaction.
