One of the easiest and most affordable ways to make money is to engage in a private cab. This way you are unlikely to become a millionaire, but you can always get decent money for your work.

- Even a little driving experience is a must. Having just received the license, it is not worthwhile to engage in private cabbies.
- Own car. In order to earn money as a private driver, although very desirable, it is not necessary. Horseless "can, if desired, work in a taxi company car.
Step 1
First you need to decide whether you will work for yourself or for the boss. In the first case, you can either engage in a private carriage at your own peril and risk, like "bombing", or officially register as an individual entrepreneur, which means: pay taxes and deductions to the state, issue a check at the first request of the passenger, go through lengthy bureaucratic procedures. In the second, you will become an employee, but you can still be considered a free taxi driver, since most companies work with drivers according to a very simple scheme: you hand over a certain amount per shift, and you put everything in excess in your pocket. If you have the rights, but no car, the transport will be given for use, even with the possibility of redemption.
Step 2
Ideally, if a more experienced person introduces you into this business, recommends you. This way you will avoid conflicts with other legal and illegal taxi drivers.
Step 3
Calculate how much you plan to earn per shift or per day, per week, per month. But not to the maximum, with full workload - it will never work out that way, but the minimum. If you see that you can still earn money as a private driver, start taxing.
Step 4
Explore the territory (city, district) where you plan to work. This can be done according to the guide and on the spot - by train yourself or with a more experienced driver. To help you - paper maps, Internet maps. And it's just great if you have a navigator. To purchase this device specifically for a private driver is an additional cost. But if you are serious about making money as a private taxi driver, buying a navigator may be worthwhile.
Step 5
Pass a medical examination. In an official job, you will be required to do this. On an unofficial one, it will still be very useful - for yourself. Who knows, maybe it’s not that you can’t engage in a private driver, but in general you need to urgently treat some serious illness.
Step 6
Search for clients. If you work for a company, a dispatcher will provide you with orders. If on yourself, then you will have to spin yourself. The most profitable time is in the morning, when people rush to work and, accordingly, the evening is rush hour when people return home. If it works out, you can take four passengers at once, for example, from a stop - they still go in one direction. In small towns, people, as a rule, go to work in the regional center, from the Moscow region - to the capital. Public transport is crowded during peak hours, for the same price as a trip by train or bus, you can recruit passengers to all available seats in your car and carry them quickly and comfortably.