If you bought a refundable item using a credit card, but for some reason it didn't suit you, you can get your money back. Even if you haven't saved your purchase receipt.

According to consumer protection law (Art. 25), you have the right to return the product within 2 weeks from the date of purchase.
How to get money back to the card on the day of purchase
If you do not have a cash or sales receipt, this is not a reason for refusing a refund (Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Art. 18 paragraph 5) The SMS from the bank indicates the time of purchase of the goods, the amount, this can be used as confirmation that the goods were purchased in this particular store.
If you go to the store on the day of purchase, and the seller decides to return your money for the goods, they will immediately go back to your account. But you must give the seller the card with which you paid for the purchase. The seller has the right to ask for the owner's passport. The plastic card is inserted into the terminal from which the payment was made, and the cancellation of the operation is entered. As a result, this amount will simply not be reflected in the bank statement.
How to draw up a refund application correctly
If you applied not on the day of purchase, you will have to write an application addressed to the store director and wait for a refund to be made. This is a rather lengthy procedure.
Not all stores can easily and quickly return money for goods, so be prepared to defend your rights. Even if the seller is definitely not going to return anything to you, you need to try to resolve the issue without going to court. And the first step is to draw up a claim in writing, where you need to indicate:
- Details for which you need to return the money. These are the details of the card with which the payment was made. Accordingly, only the owner can write such a statement.
- When and where the purchase was made. The exact address and time, as well as the name of the goods.
- Describe the reasons why you want to return the product (if the product is of high quality, indicate that it did not fit, if not of high quality, list the shortcomings).
- Indicate what you want from the seller. Return money, or exchange goods.
- Be sure to include footnotes of laws that protect your rights.
- Please attach your passport and proof of purchase to your application. If there is no check, you can attach a technical passport, tear-off coupon, warranty coupon, or a bank statement where this purchase is indicated.
- If the seller offers, you can also write a statement about the loss of the check. It does not affect the decision to return the money.