An individual entrepreneur is an individual who conducts his own business on the territory of the Russian Federation without the formation of a legal form of ownership. In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 326, any citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as persons who have received the right to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation, have the right to medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy. To obtain a policy for an individual entrepreneur and provide all hired employees with policies, you should contact the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund with documents.

- - the passport;
- - TIN;
- - pension insurance certificate;
- - statement;
- - a policy with an expired insurance period;
- - work book (if you want to get a policy as an unemployed person).
Step 1
Contact the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund of your city or town. Fill out the application form. Show a certificate of an individual entrepreneur. By his number, they will make a request to the tax office and check the payment of contributions. In most cases, in large cities across the entire territory of the Russian Federation, there is no need to even present an entrepreneur certificate. It is enough to present personal identification documents. All information on tax payments is contained in electronic media and is verified directly with the tax authorities via the Internet. For verification, authorized persons will enter your personal data indicated in the passport and in the online system they will receive a response about the deduction of contributions to the tax office and the pension fund.
Step 2
After 5 days (in the regions of the Russian Federation, the terms may vary), you will receive a document allowing you to obtain a policy in any selected insurance company licensed to carry out activities for compulsory health insurance. You can get a policy for all hired employees and issue it for yourself.
Step 3
To do this, you will need to collect from all employees of the policy with expired insurance, if any, a pension insurance certificate, a passport. Submit all documents to the selected insurance company. In a few days, you will receive policies for all employees with an unlimited term of insurance. Since, in accordance with the specified law, the terms of insurance are now not defined. The policy is valid indefinitely and allows you to receive medical care throughout the Russian Federation.
Step 4
Any citizen without a job also has the right to obtain a medical insurance policy at the place of residence or in person from an insurance company. Therefore, if you have a work book at home and there are no entries in it about the place of work, you have the right to get a policy at your place of residence or from any insurance company licensed to carry out insurance.
Step 5
To do this, it is enough to contact the administration or the insurance company, present a passport, pension insurance certificate and an expired insurance policy, if any. After 30 days, you will receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.
Step 6
Both in the first and in the second case, for a period of 30 days, during which a medical policy is issued, you have the right to receive a temporary insurance certificate in order to receive medical care.