A medical insurance policy is a document according to which employees of organizations or non-working citizens can receive timely free medical care in public medical institutions. A medical policy for an employee can be obtained from an insurance company, both by the employer and by the employee himself.

blank documents, employee documents, company seal, pen
Step 1
Sign a contract with an insurance company. Submit to the insurance company certified copies of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur), a certificate of registration with the tax authority at the place of registration of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur), the charter of an enterprise, an agreement on the creation of an organization, a protocol on the creation of a company (decisions of the founder), the order on the appointment of the first person of the company, statistics codes.
Step 2
Write a power of attorney to the person who will register the company with the health insurance fund, if a trusted person is involved in concluding the contract. Submit this power of attorney to the insurance company. If the director of the enterprise concludes a contract with the insurance company, you do not need to write a power of attorney for him. An order on his appointment is enough.
Step 3
Ask the employees who entered your work for the previously received policies of non-working citizens, since the data of the policy, after the registration of the employee at your company, is not valid.
Step 4
Before an authorized person comes to the insurance company to receive an employee's policy, he must fill out the established form. The form contains the surname, name and patronymic of employees, gender, age, address of the place of residence of employees, number of pension insurance certificate. All the details of the company, contact phone number must be written on the form. The director puts his signature and stamp of the company.
Step 5
Give the completed form to the insurance company employee. Check the correctness of entering the information on the policies of the employees of their data, as well as the correct spelling of the name of your company. Put the seal of your organization on the policies, give it to the head for signature. Issue it to the employees of your company after signing the policies.