Obligations arise when one person (the debtor) is obliged to perform any actions in favor of another person (the creditor) as a result of harm or from a relationship that arose under the contract. To formalize a commitment, there are several aspects to consider.

Step 1
The most common and common way to formalize obligations is to conclude an agreement. In fact, any agreement is a bilateral obligation in which both parties simultaneously act as both the debtor and the creditor. They have the right to demand from each other the performance of those actions that are described in the contract, and are obliged to fulfill the obligations imposed on them by the other party.
Step 2
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes how certain types of contracts should be drawn up. Sales and purchase agreements, exchange, gift, lease, contract and so on are individual in nature, but also contain general aspects. They must be concluded in the form that the law provides for them.
Step 3
Most often we are talking about the written execution of obligations. The contract must clearly identify and name the persons entering into the relationship, as well as the conditions and terms under which they must fulfill their obligations. To conclude a contract, you can use a ready-made form or compose the text yourself.
Step 4
In certain cases, the law requires notarization of the contract or its registration by an authorized organization. To find out what procedure is required for your particular situation, read the corresponding article in the Civil Code.
Step 5
Material relations between acquaintances and relatives are rarely formalized by an agreement. But if you want, for example, to lend a certain amount of money to a friend, it is better to insure yourself. In this case, you can draw up his obligation to return the money with a receipt.
Step 6
Receipts are drawn up in writing, it should be clear from the text who transferred the funds to whom, for how long and in what amount. Such a document is legally binding not only for the parties to the relationship, but also for third parties. If necessary, you can bring in as witnesses several uninterested persons who will certify the fact of transfer of money in the receipt.