When you find yourself in a difficult situation, when you urgently need to resolve some issue, and there are no resources to perform the necessary actions, you have to look for a way out, for example, in deferring the calculation. This can be compensation for damage caused by your fault, payment for services that are urgently needed, a promise to pay off a tax debt, keep a trade secret, and so on. In this case, you need to write a commitment that will guarantee your intentions to fulfill the terms of the agreement within a certain time frame.
![How to write a commitment How to write a commitment](https://i.workingrede.com/images/009/image-25153-1-j.webp)
Step 1
Check out an example of registration of a commitment by following the link indicated at the end of the article. Compose your commitment to the specifics of your agreement. It is best to type it on a computer and print it on a printer to eliminate the possibility of confusion due to the peculiarities of your handwriting. But, since there is no single unified form and requirements for its registration, you can draw it up in a simple written form, but in compliance with the requirements for official paperwork. This method of registration is most preferable for the opposite side, since it leaves no doubt about the handwriting of the obligation in the event of controversial issues.
Step 2
Write the title of the Commitment document in the center of the sheet. Immediately below it, indicate the place (city) where it was compiled and the date of its creation. The content of the document must necessarily include such information as - surname, name, patronymic, passport data, home address and contact numbers for communication. Next, describe the essence of the agreement reached between the parties, the circumstances that became the reason for the transaction, its terms. It should be written in particular detail which obligations the debtor undertakes, writing the amount in figures and in words, indicating the exact timing of the calculation.
Step 3
In the final part of the obligation, describe the procedure for actions agreed upon in case of impossibility to fulfill the terms of the agreement or violation of the terms specified in the document. Sign and decipher it in brackets (surname and initials). Certify the document in the notary office, if required by the terms of the agreement.