Ballet is one of the few art forms in which the concept of “amateurism” simply does not exist. If talented amateur artists, musicians and actors can eventually turn into professionals, then in order to become a ballet dancer, you need to do it from childhood.

Step 1
Children aged 9-10 are admitted to the classical dance department of choreographic schools. It is believed that this is the most suitable age to start learning the art of ballet. In the future, they study both in general education disciplines and in subjects of a special cycle. Special subjects include classical, character and ballroom dance, acting, ballet history, etc. It is they who become the main ones for the future ballet stars. Moreover, from the moment they enter the school, their daily routine will be devoted to the schedule of classes in the ballet class.
Step 2
When entering the school, teachers pay attention not only to the child's choreographic training, but also to external data. Preference is given to short, thin-boned and long-legged girls. They often look at parents in order to understand how heredity can manifest itself, because if a fragile girl in the near future turns into a tall and stately young person, she is unlikely to be able to find a suitable partner.
Step 3
With all its external fragility and grace, a novice ballerina should have perfect health and excellent physical fitness. Otherwise, she simply cannot withstand the hardest loads that the students of the choreographic school have to endure, and then the ballet dancers.
Step 4
Of course, such natural data as flexibility, eversion, ear for music, a sense of rhythm, etc. play a decisive role in admission. During the training, the child will develop and improve them. Comprehension of the wonderful art of ballet requires a lot of going there, perseverance and considerable sacrifices. Future ballerinas will have to constantly adhere to a strict diet, learn to overcome muscle pain, and devote many hours daily to training at the bar. Moreover, all this applies not only to the years of apprenticeship, but also to the entire period of further professional career.
Step 5
If a girl is not ready to devote herself entirely to a ballet career at such a young age, there are alternative ways. For example, you can practice in a classical ballet studio or in the choreography department of a children's art school. If after that there is a desire to devote himself entirely to dance, you can go to college or university of culture and art. True, it is hardly possible to become a ballet soloist, but you can devote yourself to other types of dance: folk, ballroom, pop. This is no less beautiful and exciting activity.