Florist is a specialist whose main activity is the creation of flower arrangements and bouquets. Florists are often engaged in interior decoration and phytodesign.

Invaluable work experience
Before going to a floristry school or looking for courses in this art, try to get a job as an apprentice with a famous florist or just in a specialty store. Work in this position for at least six months, after this period you will understand whether you are interested in floristry in general, since this profession requires investment of labor and time. In addition, having worked as an apprentice, you will learn the names of plants and flowers, types and styles of compositions and get a lot of other useful information that will greatly help you in your lessons at the floristry school.
Get ready for the dirty work. No one will allow an apprentice or even a certified florist without work experience to make garlands, bouquets and wedding decorations. From the very beginning, you will have to prune flowers, wash vases, sweep the floor. Chances are, you will gradually be attracted to working with flowers. Most of the famous florists have gone through this stage, which allowed them to gain invaluable experience. By the way, be prepared that you will be paid very little in the beginning.
Learn from the best
Don't be afraid to copy someone else's bouquets. Floristry books mainly consist of illustrative material, there is not a lot of useful information in them. Studying photographs and drawings, try to repeat the bouquets that interest you. There is nothing wrong with such student repetition, it will allow you to bring your composition skills to real automatism. Keep in mind that books on floristry are practically not published in Russian, so you will have to look for them on the Internet and order from abroad.
Don't give too much importance to the symbolism of flowers. Of course, possession of this information is a significant plus, but in the modern world, the floral language is considered outdated. Therefore, when executing an order, one should be guided not by the symbolic meanings of flowers, but by the wishes of the client. Create compositions that will evoke positive emotions in your customers, even if you used flowers to symbolize sadness or sadness to create the bouquet.
Attend flower shows as often as possible. Do not spare money for international floristic exhibitions. New techniques, concepts and flowers can be seen there. They can be creatively rethought and used in your work. A good florist always needs new ideas to amaze his clients.