The stress of losing a job is comparable to the stress of a divorce. It is very important to get out of this situation without losing dignity, reputation, or mental health. Planning and a rational approach to the problem will help you survive the reduction with minimal losses.

Step 1
Forget the annoyance and try to see the good things in this situation as well. Even if the news of the layoff fell like snow on your head, and you consider such a decision to be the height of injustice, resist the temptation to "put a pig" on your former bosses and colleagues. Firstly, small dirty tricks in the form of erased files and lost documents will only anger former colleagues, and also assure them of the correct decision to fire you. In addition, in your professional circle, they find out about this incident rather quickly, and hardly anyone wants to contact you after that. Secondly, if you leave a good impression of yourself, the boss can recommend your candidacy to one of the partners. Thirdly, you will finally be able to redo all the things that your hands did not reach, sleep off and, possibly, find your calling in something else.
Step 2
Use the new free time to your advantage. First of all, you need to carefully analyze the entire situation and learn from it useful lessons. For example, you have long wanted to study a foreign language, but there was no time. As a result, you left during the layoff, not your English-speaking colleague. Now you have the opportunity to fill educational gaps or even get a new profession. Assess yourself - perhaps you will find application for your talents in another professional field. Employees of business incubators or employment services can help you with this, where you need to register no later than 2 weeks from the day of reduction. In addition, you can contact any educational institution in your city, where there are advanced training or retraining courses.
Step 3
After thinking about your strategy, start your job search. Carefully write your resume, cover letter, make copies of your testimonial from your last job. Submit these documents on specialized sites, send them to recruitment agencies. Be active - call back and find out about the fate of your appeal. During the interview, and sooner or later you will be invited to it, honestly tell us about the reduction. And if your potential employer wants to talk to a former boss, it will be very helpful if you left a good memory of yourself.