How To Extend The Validity Of A Sanitary Book

How To Extend The Validity Of A Sanitary Book
How To Extend The Validity Of A Sanitary Book

A sanitary book is a document that certifies that its owner has no diseases that impede working with people, food, as well as the ability to provide services. The book is not an indefinite document, so you need to go through the commission to renew it regularly.

How to extend the validity of a sanitary book
How to extend the validity of a sanitary book

A medical (sanitary) book should be available to everyone who works in the field of food, namely, with their manufacture, transportation, storage and sale. In addition to the above, the following people must have a health certificate:

- employees of preschool institutions;

- workers of sewerage facilities and networks;

- medical professionals;

- employees of educational institutions;

- workers in the trade industry and in the field of communal and consumer services;

- specialists of transport companies.

You should know that a personal health record is an official document. This suggests that the one who did not buy or did not renew his medical book, but continues to carry on his labor activity, in the presence of a mandatory item of its ownership, bears criminal responsibility for this step.

If the medical book has already been drawn up, but its validity period has come to an end, the owner can, in order to save personal time for drawing up a new document, extend the existing one.

Extension of the sanitary book

Anyone who has ever encountered the registration of a health book in state polyclinics knows that this is a very long process that requires not only spending personal time and money, but also nerves to wait for long queues. Therefore, today, private medical centers offer a profitable solution for those who value their time, as well as those who urgently need a health certificate to apply for a job. The time that is spent on extending the document in such institutions does not take more than one day.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that such centers help to quickly extend the health book only after a professional medical examination. In different areas of work, the frequency of such an examination is not the same. For example, food workers are required to undergo a professional examination once a year. This also applies to heads of enterprises and organizations.

The convenience of cooperation with private medical centers lies in the fact that the heads of enterprises can conclude an agreement with them for regular service. This will allow employees of the organization to renew medical records quickly and in an organized manner. After all, now you will not need to ask for time off every time to renew the existing document.

The importance of renewing the health book

Given the environmental situation in the world, the Ministry of Health is especially trying to protect food and drinking water from sources of disease. Every year the state spends large sums of money from the general budget to improve the situation in this area, and a personal health record is one of the methods of protecting the health of citizens.
