Many representatives of professions that require inspiration, creativity, generation of new ideas are familiar with the manifestations of the creative crisis. A creative crisis can be caused by various negative factors, for example, illness, stress or overwork.

Signs of a Creative Crisis
A creative crisis occurs involuntarily. Yesterday you worked on an interesting project, but today you have a stupor. And to get off the ground by an effort of will, no matter how hard you try, you will not succeed. This is the fundamental difference between creative professions and any other - you, of course, can force yourself to work, but the result will have to wait for a very long time, and it is unlikely to please your employers.
If an employee is in a creative crisis, it is immediately noticeable. At the peak of inspiration, a person creates without noticing anything around. He can forget about food and stay up until the end of work. In a creative crisis, the employee is at best portraying activity, constantly complaining of poor health, fatigue, and various distractions.
Who falls victim to the creative crisis
First of all, those who work without sparing themselves are at risk. A high pace of work will inevitably lead to exhaustion and recession, and one day you will not be able to come up with even the smallest idea. To reduce the risk - slow down the pace of work. If you have several ideas at once, write them down and draw up a work plan for this project. In the event that you are overtaken by a creative crisis, you will be able to work, focusing on your notes.
The end of a significant project can also be marked by a creative crisis. You have worked long hours and your creativity may well "go on vacation." This is a normal process - allow yourself to rest and recover. And then with renewed vigor to new achievements!
A creative crisis can also overtake you during a major project. At the beginning of the work, you were filled with enthusiasm and inspiration, but then the emotions subsided, fatigue and disappointment came. Planning will also help in this case - remember to write down your ideas for the various stages of work, and when inspiration dies out, do the routine.
The emergence of a creative stupor can also be triggered by the monotony of your life outside of work. If year after year you live in the same place, visit the same places, go to work the usual way - all this can depress creativity. To revive it, go on a trip, make a rearrangement at home, find yourself a new hobby. The main thing is for a stream of new impressions to burst into your life.
Personal problems can also cause a crisis in a creative person. Such individuals, as a rule, are more vulnerable, all external problems significantly affect their work. Solving this problem is quite difficult - you can't just turn off emotions and memory. Therefore, try to do everything so that your personal life runs smoothly, and your inner world is calm. But remember that many great masterpieces were created by authors against the backdrop of crises in their personal lives.