How A Copywriter Can Handle A Creative Crisis

How A Copywriter Can Handle A Creative Crisis
How A Copywriter Can Handle A Creative Crisis

Almost every copywriter at some point is faced with this problem - a creative crisis. It cannot be confused with laziness, no! I have a desire to write a good article. There is even a task, but inspiration - no … At such moments it seems that it will never be. What to do at such moments?

How a copywriter can handle a creative crisis
How a copywriter can handle a creative crisis

The creative crisis is often visited not by newcomers, but by an old-timer. It is also difficult for the first to start writing, but this is a natural uncertainty before starting a new business, it is easily overcome. The very first success, the very first earned, albeit the smallest amount, gives both strength and faith in oneself. And then, when the rating and reputation are earned, when there are regular customers, when the algorithm of work has already been found, such a moment comes - it is not written! What to do with this stupor?

First of all, do not despair. “I’ve written out, I’m burned out, I will never succeed again” … These thoughts come, but let them go the same way. A person cannot exhaust his capabilities by writing a dozen or a hundred articles. This is fatigue, overwork, which is quite natural. How to deal with this? Relax, of course. But it’s not easy to lie staring at the ceiling, scrolling through some new phrases in your head, and even more so not to sit at the computer.

Take a day off. They were not invented at all, and one or two days will not spoil relations with customers, but the quality of work will be influenced in a beneficial way. Just as at the beginning of work, a copywriter rashly takes the obligation: "Not a day without an article!", So another law must be established: "Not a week without a day off!". Well, you shouldn't forget about an eight-hour working day, if you don't want to accelerate the onset of the notorious creative crisis.

Walking in the fresh air is necessary, it is useful in all respects. But fresh impressions are also needed! Let your walk be purposeful - walk to the library, to the bookstore. Look at the latest releases from various publishers, leaf through, read some of the phrases. You never know what unexpected phrase will sink into the soul and give ideas for a new job. It is imperative for the writer to read, this develops thinking and enriches the vocabulary.

For the same purpose, it will not be superfluous to communicate with people, go to the theater or cinema, watch interesting films at home. But even during work it is necessary not to forget about the need to "switch".

Everyone remembers from childhood that the best rest is a change of activity. What kind of switching can a copywriter have? The same computer, the same keyboard … Need to change the theme!

If a person writes day after day about, say, cooking, then it is not surprising that in the end he will begin to repeat himself, to express himself in clichés. After several months and even weeks of writing exclusively recipes, it will be very difficult for him to switch to any other, lightest and familiar topic, but in cooking he will no longer be able to write as interesting and original. Of course, no one can be well versed in all topics, but it is necessary to have at least 3-5 in “theirs”, changing them regularly.

By following these simple tips, it will not be difficult to defeat the notorious creative crisis and prevent its onset. During the weekend, miss your work a little, while writing articles on the topic of renovation, yearn for your favorite cooking, and so on. And with renewed vigor, take up your favorite job!
