Today the term "black" accounting is firmly established in everyday life. It is well known and understandable to heads of enterprises, accountants, economists, financiers, tax specialists and many other specialists, by the nature of their activities related to the economy of organizations and enterprises.

What is "black" accounting
At present, domestic experts do not find consensus on what the concept of "black" accounting includes.
Some of them refer to "black" bookkeeping wages "in an envelope". Others are all unaccounted for officially. Still others believe that, in addition to cash, it takes into account unofficial liabilities and assets, that is, goods, debts, fixed assets and the like.
It would be correct to assume that "black" accounting is a financial and economic process and accounting measures implemented secretly from the state.
The purpose of "black" accounting is obvious: employees try to hide income from taxation, while not only the income of the enterprise itself, but also of its employees are hidden, the most striking example is the salary "in an envelope".
The "black" bookkeeping is entrusted to experienced and responsible employees who enjoy the confidence of the management.
Features of "black" accounting
The most common economic and financial processes of "black" accounting are the sale of goods, services and works for cash without being reflected in the accounting, raising cash loans without being reflected in the accounting department, storing and receiving unaccounted goods and materials, using fixed assets without being reflected in the accounting department.
Accounting for "black" accounting - concealment of profits and proceeds from the tax authorities, management of financial flows not specified in the accounting department, payment and calculation of salaries "in an envelope".
According to experts, about half of all economic and financial transactions in Russia are done "in a black way." Most organizations and enterprises engaged in production, construction, trade, as well as those working in the service sector, cannot work without "black" accounting.
Technologies for conducting "black" accounting are similar to official technologies. She uses the same concepts: credit, debit, expense and income, double entries, posting, balance, write-off, reporting and inventory. But the data of "black" accounting is intended only for use within the enterprise, not everyone has access to this data.
Due to the use of "black" accounting, the structure of the company's finances takes on characteristic features and differs from the structure of finance, confirmed by documents.