If you are going to buy or sell your apartment, you will have to make an important decision: act on your own, without intermediaries, or contact a realtor. In the first case, you will save money, but spend a lot of time and effort. At the same time, it is possible that the second party to the transaction will try to cheat. However, in the second case, there is also a great risk - you can become a victim of a scam of the so-called "black realtors".

Step 1
A "black realtor" is a person who is engaged in real estate trading, working without official registration of his activities. Among such realtors, there are often scammers who are faced by both sellers and buyers. To avoid being scammed, carefully check the intermediary you are working with. In particular, you can demand from him to show you a certificate of registration of a real estate agency. You should also be on your guard if the realtor does not invite you to visit the office for several meetings.
Step 2
In order not to become a victim of unreliable intermediaries, you need to choose a reliable real estate company that values its reputation. The specialists of such a company will assess the real volume of work and will name the adequate cost of both the property being sold and their services. Precisely adequate, since fraudsters are likely to name a figure that is pleasant for you, for which they will not be able to sell your property. You will lose both money and time.
Step 3
In addition, it is necessary to draw up a contract for the provision of real estate services. Reputable and reliable companies willingly take this step, as they are not afraid to take responsibility for the results of their work. In such companies, contracts are legally drawn up correctly, they spell out the responsibilities and obligations of the parties, the procedure for calculating, deadlines, additional conditions, etc. All contracts are drawn up without the use of specialized terms, are understandable, which ensures the transparency of services. "Black realtors", in turn, will not insist on the conclusion of an agreement, since they do not want to be held accountable for their actions.
Step 4
It is important to keep in mind that a real estate service must include a number of components, and one of the most important is the legal examination of the property being purchased. Often, many "black realtors" are rather negligent in checking the property that their client is buying. This is fraught with the deprivation of the rights of the new owner to the acquired housing.
Step 5
Pay special attention to the transparency of the work performed by the realtor. The bottom line is that the client sees only a small part of the actions taken, and therefore decent companies provide a fairly detailed report with a list of work performed, costs incurred and costs.
Step 6
Conscientious real estate firms give a guarantee for every service they perform. Therefore, if, after the completion of the transaction, the client suddenly has a problem situation, the company's specialists are actively resolving the issue. Unscrupulous realtors, on the contrary, do not undertake such obligations. After paying for their services, the fate of their clients becomes uninteresting to them.
Step 7
In most cases, scammers come across single people, retirees, dysfunctional families, people with drug or alcohol addiction. However, no one is immune from deception. That is why it is very important to entrust the solution of your housing issues only to professionals.