Every year thousands of people go to the sea in the summer to not only relax, but also earn money. People are constantly needed on the coast, but it lasts only 3-4 months. People of different professions and ages decide on seasonal work at sea. But such employment has disadvantages. For some, they are critical, while others argue that there are more advantages.

Pros of working at sea for the summer
People are constantly needed in dozens of resort towns and villages. Most often, service personnel are required without special skills. They accept people without work experience, without education, so everyone can get a job. There is a constant need for maids, waiters, administrators, animators, salespeople.
People of creative professions will always find a place in the resort town. Artists, singers, handicraftsmen, photographers, artists can realize themselves on the seashore very quickly. They help entertain the audience, so they are very much appreciated. And even those who have just learned to play the guitar or drums can receive money.
The work schedule is always negotiated, but on weekends you can enjoy the environment. Every day there is a holiday at the resorts, so it will be possible to admire nature and meet interesting people. And you can relax after work, at the end of a working day it is pleasant to plunge into warm water.
Salary at sea can be different, and often, in addition to the salary, there is also interest. This can be part of the sale or customer. Waiters get well, because they are tipped. Wages in coastal cities are often a decent amount. In one month, you can get 2 times more than in the provincial cities of the country.
Cons of working at sea in summer
Seasonal work at sea lasts from June to September. Then the unknown awaits the person. It is not interesting to stay on the coast. In winter, there are much fewer vacancies, and earnings drop significantly.
Living by the sea in the summer is very expensive. It is necessary to rent a place to stay and the price for the season can be huge. Up to 50% of earnings will have to be paid for housing. And the cost of products also increases, which means that costs are required. It is only profitable to choose vacancies with meals and accommodation, then it is easier to save money.
Rarely does anyone manage to bring significant savings from the sea. Dozens of temptations around make it difficult to save funds. Bright and tempting offers work not only for tourists, but also for employees. Original culinary specialties, exciting excursions, pleasant drinks and hundreds of attractions are hard to ignore during your seasonal work at sea.
For the season, workers are rarely formalized. Most of the employees work without formalizing an employment contract and writing in a work book. This means that pension contributions are not paid. At the same time, there are no guarantees, medical payments in case of illness or injury.
Working conditions rarely meet the standards. For example, sellers often have to spend all day in extreme heat. And it lasts at least 12 hours. The schedule is very exhausting: from 8-9 am to 9-10 pm. Barkers, administrators, masters of creating drawings, tattoos or braids work in a similar way.
Strenuous physical labor. Most seasonal vacancies involve daily workloads that are difficult to bear. For example, a maid can clean up to 100 rooms a day, a counselor does not sleep until 3 am, and from 6 am already on his feet, and sellers work 14-16 hours a day. You need to be prepared for such an overvoltage. And if it doesn't work out, they will easily find a replacement, because many people want to earn more.
Good seats are often pre-allocated. It will be possible to find a job at any time, but the best offers will be available only in April or May. Then finding something worthwhile is much more problematic.
There are more disadvantages of working at sea than advantages. But thousands of people still travel to the coast every summer. And there are those who have managed to earn quite decently. But only empirically it is possible to find out whether it will be possible to realize the dream of income or just the summer will be spent unusually.