The purchase of a passenger car is not synonymous with the right to use. Before driving off, you must have a driver's license on hand. In the common people, it is called rights. It is hardly easier to become its owner than to acquire the car itself. Previously, you will have to visit a car school, an autodrome, several offices and laboratories of a polyclinic, a bank, a photographer, and finally the traffic police.

The first document that needs to be received by a dreaming "steer" with a full-fledged certificate is a certificate of graduation from a licensed driving school or preparatory courses. You can, however, do without them - if you want to have only categories "A" and "B". They are allowed to study independently and free of charge. However, most potential drivers try not to fend off the team and become cadets of driving schools. After all, paid training from professional instructors is expensive. Including on highways.
Back to the Future
There are two categories of people who want legal rights. The first is amateurs-beginners, the other is those who have already received them before, but have lost. Going to the second round, representatives of category number two should not forget to present their previous ID and card to the traffic police. And motorists, once punished for drunkenness, are obliged, in contrast to simply "deprived", to present also a certificate confirming the passage of an additional examination by a narcologist and the absence of medical contraindications for driving.
Show your passport
Among the documents that are also mandatory for the State Traffic Inspectorate, there is also a valid passport with proof of identity and registration with a home address. So an attempt to invite another, more experienced person to the test will hardly go unnoticed. Of course, it is necessary to bring to the traffic police not only a statement of the established form, but also personal photographs. Previously, four matte photographs, three by four centimeters, were required for certification. One was glued to the medical certificate, the second to the driving book, the third to the examination card and, finally, the fourth went directly to the certificate. But with the advent of plastic cards, it became possible to be photographed directly in the traffic police.
Doctor, am I healthy?
Obtaining a ten-year license to drive a car is closely related to the health of the applicant. And therefore, a medical certificate is also included in the list of documents, without which you can neither get a certificate, nor change it, nor even start classes at the autodrome. Only a licensed clinic can issue such certificates, which are actually a commission opinion of several specialists.
The physician, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, surgeon, narcologist, psychiatrist and gynecologist (for women) must put their signatures on the medical card. When receiving a certificate for three years (if you are over 55 years old, then for a year), check whether it contains the dates of issue and expiration, and let us know which of the driving categories you intend to take. Also, in the conclusion, you should indicate that you, for example, constantly wear glasses or lenses.
Money money…
All of the above costs money. Although, of course, not as large as those spent on buying a car. Another expense item for a motorist is the state duty for the exam and, in fact, for the certificate itself. 400 rubles is a document made of paper, 800 - from plastic.
In order to receive in return for the lost temporary rights, and later a duplicate, it is necessary to bring to the traffic police documents similar to those that were brought to obtain a permanent certificate. The only difference is that you don't have to take exams again. If you were illegally deprived of your certificate in court, and you successfully appealed this decision, then the traffic police are obliged to return the original to you and wish you a happy journey!