Calculation of the standard number of personnel is necessary to form the optimal number of employees in the enterprise. This is a management task that allows you to achieve the set goals and at the same time observe the work and rest schedule of personnel, given that some part of the team will not go to work due to temporary disability or regular vacations.

Step 1
To determine the required staffing number (W), which is optimal, the following formula is used:
W = H * Kn, where: Н - standard number of employees, Kn is a planned coefficient that takes into account the absence of workers at their workplaces due to illness or being on regular labor leave.
The required number of staff (W) is determined without taking into account technical employees - loaders, drivers, cleaners.
Step 2
Kn is calculated by the formula:
Kn = 1 + Dn, where: Day - the share of non-working time in the total working time for a certain statistical period. The general fund of working time is determined according to the production calendar. Day is calculated as the ratio of the amount of hours of absence of employees to work to the total number of working hours for the specified period.
Step 3
When calculating the Day, keep in mind that according to the legislation, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the planned number of non-working days is 49. Of these: 28 working days - regular labor leave, 7 working days - the established rate of unpaid leave and 14 working days - absenteeism standard on the basis of sheets of temporary incapacity for work. With an 8-hour day, the total number of non-working hours in a year is 392 hours.
Step 4
To calculate the standard number of personnel (N), use the formula:
H = V / (Frv * Hwyr * Kvn), Where: V is the planned volume of work in those units of measure that are adopted at this enterprise, Frv - the fund of working time for the upcoming planned period according to the production calendar, expressed in hours, Nvyr - the rate of revenue;
Kvn - coefficient of planned performance of norms.
The Kvn coefficient is determined as the quotient of dividing the value of the planned revenue for the corresponding period of the planned year to the value of the actual revenue of the previous year.